Spot Stroke Symptoms with these Spot-On Tips from UAB Doctors
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – It’s an alarming fact that strokes are one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability in the United States. While this statistic may seem daunting, it is crucial to remember that knowledge is power. It can even be life-saving, especially when it comes to recognizing stroke symptoms.
This May, during National Stroke Awareness Month, the doctors at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are boosting the practicality of this knowledge by sharing ways to spot the signs and minimize the risk of a stroke.
A Timely Reminder from UAB:
For Dr. Toby Gropen, a stroke specialist at UAB, the urgency of this awareness campaign is even more critical, given that Alabama is among the states with the highest rates of stroke incidence and mortality. He emphasizes that, often, stroke victims are powerless to call for help, making it essential for family members, friends, and even strangers to know how to spot a potential case.
“It’s the leading cause of adult long-term disability in the country, and the faster someone can get medical attention, the better,” states Dr. Gropen. “You won’t always have the guarantee of time on your side, but with FAST, you can have a potentially life-saving tool.”
Unveiling the “FAST” Test:
This brings us to the FAST test that Dr. Gropen recommends as a quick way to identify possible stroke symptoms. The term is an acronym that guides observers on what to check:
- Face: Ask the person to smile. A droop on one side could signal a stroke.
- Arms: Have the person raise both arms. Watch if one arm droops or doesn’t rise uniformly.
- Speech: Have the person repeat a sentence. Listen for slurred or garbled speech.
- Time: If any or all of the above symptoms are present, call 911 immediately.
“Not passing any of these three steps in the FAST test is a good indication you need to go ahead and call 911,” affirms Dr. Gropen.
Raising the Bar on Stroke Awareness:
While the doctors at UAB are leading the charge in raising stroke awareness in Alabama, the takeaways from their campaign are universally relevant. Knowing how to spot the signs of a stroke and what to do in the event of one, can make a world of difference – a difference between life and death.
This National Stroke Awareness Month, the message is clear: learn these signs, share them, and raise awareness in your own communities. The power of such knowledge should not be underestimated.