Mountain Brook Village Gearing Up for Two New Roundabouts
Drivers in Mountain Brook Village are stepping into a European feel with the addition of two new roundabouts to the existing one. The architectural charm of the area with its English-style vibe is soon to be complemented by these traffic wonders that promise smoother flow and less congestion. The roundabouts are in the pipeline, and once completed, they are expected to lend an extra appeal to the area and also enhance traffic management.
UK-Style Roundabouts
If you fondly recall the memorable scene from National Lampoon’s European Vacation, where holidaymaker Clark Griswold, epitomized by Chevy Chase, struggles to exit a roundabout, the upcoming roundabouts in Mountain Brook Village may bring a smile to your face. Luckily, the roundabouts in Birmingham and its vicinity are less intricate. While debates concerning their efficiency rage on, there is no denying that roundabouts have oftentimes played a pivotal role in augmenting the flow of traffic in busy areas.
The Awaited Roundabouts of Mountain Brook
The tranquil Mountain Brook Village has been witnessing a slew of road construction activities, primarily due to the ongoing sewer line replacement project. The upcoming addition of the roundabouts will undoubtedly add to the changes that the area is currently undergoing.
Here are some vital details about the roundabout project, procured from Mountain Brook City Manager Sam Gaston, as reported in the Birmingham Business Journal:
- Cost estimate: $4.2-4.5M
- Who bears the cost: ALDOT will bear 80% of the cost through federal funds; Birmingham and Mountain Brook will share the remaining cost
- Timeframe: The project will mostly be undertaken during nights for about 10-12 months
- Why it is needed: The area is witnessing growth, which consequently means increased traffic. The roundabouts will ensure a smoother flow of traffic, enabling people to reach their destination quicker, be it the zoo, Lane Parke, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, or even the local eatery Gilchrist’s for a comforting milkshake and egg-salad sandwich.
Awaiting the views of the residents of Birmingham on the upcoming roundabouts, the question lingers – will they bring the expected relief from the growing traffic woes?