UAB in the Spotlight for Equitable Access to Healthcare

UAB Hospital has been denoted as a leading entity in the provision of excellent care to patients hailing from unserved communities. This recognition comes as a result of the U.S News & World Report’s inaugural list of “Best Regional Hospitals for Equitable Access.”

Metrics for Inclusion

The commendation of this distinguished medical institution came alongside 53 other regional hospitals featured in the 2023 list. Each included hospital had to meet at least two of the listed criteria. The criteria encompassed:

  • 40% or more of the patient population originating from deprived communities as determined by the Area Deprivation Index;
  • 20% or more of the patients being racial/ethnic minorities or the hospital standing in the top-tier in any one of the five measures of racial/ethnic patient representation;
  • 20% or more patients enrolled in Medicaid or the hospital’s position in the highest tier for patient representation from low-income communities.

A Commitment Towards Equity in Access

UAB Medicine has established a reputation for its goal-oriented approach in facilitating measurable impacts stemming from its community outreach. This approach has been notably successful in breaking barriers to access for disadvantaged communities. Speaking on this achievement, Vice President of Community Health Equity, Verlon Salley remarked on the intensive data studies undertaken by UAB Medicine to pinpoint areas of concern and strategies for dealing with inequities. Furthermore, Salley emphasized the institution’s efforts to quantify their progress.

Recognising the Champions of Accessible Healthcare

The esteemed list reflects the invaluable contributions to accessible healthcare made by community hospitals across 26 states. An analyst at U.S. News acknowledged the dedication of community hospitals to bridging the gap in access to healthcare in socio-economically challenged communities. Campaigns for equitable access to healthcare are gaining momentum. However, an emphasis on a sustained focus was expressed, given the social and economic challenges that continue to hamper healthcare access in vulnerable populations.

To learn more about the organizations recognized for their meaningful efforts, you can access the complete list directly from the U.S. News & World Report website.

About UAB Medicine

UAB Medicine, located on 500 22nd Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233, is a known for its commitment to healthcare education, research, quality patient care, and services to the community. They also stand as a major contributor to clinical trials and you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even subscribe to their YouTube channel for updates. The hospital also complies with the Notice of Nondiscrimination and Patient Privacy, showing their dedication to ethical practice.

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If you or a loved one experienced a positive interaction with UAB Medicine, they welcome you to share your story. An unforgettable medical journey can bring undiscovered hope to an ailing patient, work as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit, or inspire a would-be hero in the healthcare profession to take their first step.