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Miss Jefferson County 2024 on a mission to stomp out ALS

Beauty queen fighting ALS.

Miss Jefferson County 2024 on a mission to stomp out ALS

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – With the arrival of National ALS Awareness Month this May, one woman has taken up the mantle to raise awareness and educate people about this devastating condition. Emma Terry, who wears the crown as Miss Jefferson County 2024, is using her platform to shine a spotlight on a disease that bears immense personal significance for her.

The reality of living with ALS, as Terry describes, unfolds in stages. “There are different transitionary points throughout this disease. You go from not being able to walk, not being able to talk, not being able to eat normally,” Terry explains, revealing a profound insight into the tribulations of those affected by the disease. This intimate knowledge stems from her experiences caretaking for her late grandfather, who lived with ALS.

A personal mission forged from love and loss

Though life with her grandfather was marked by struggles, it was also filled with profound love and understanding. “I never heard his voice, I’ve never seen him walk independently,” Terry shares. “He was slowly becoming more dependent on me and my family, and watching that, seeing that, knowing that he was placing his trust in me and my family to take care of him was really influential growing up.”

Motivated by this deeply personal bond, Terry crafted her platform, “Stomping Out ALS”, a campaign targeting to amplify the public’s understanding of ALS—a disease that currently has no known cure. The initiative also includes her efforts with state representatives to enhance awareness and contributions towards ALS research and patient support.

“Stomping Out ALS Day” – A tribute to a cherished grandfather

“February 11 is Stomping Out ALS Day in the state of Alabama. February 11 is also my grandfather’s birthday. It was just an opportunity for me to have this statewide effort of increasing awareness of ALS,” Terry states, adding a personal touch in her fight against the disease.

Terry hopes her grandfather’s story will inspire others to join the mission to eradicate ALS. She emphasises that even the smallest contributions can make a difference in the battle against the disease. “When you take those steps, when you educate yourself and others, when you make a small donation or get involved in a community event, these are steps to stomp out ALS,” Terry declares.

Information and resources at fingertips

Maintaining an active online presence, Terry continues to share ALS related information, resources and personal stories through both her website and Miss Jefferson County 2024 social media channels. Her hopes are bright: that the more people join in the movement, the nearer they are to defeating this disease.

HERE Birmingham
Author: HERE Birmingham

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